Monday, 31 October 2011

Web design.

The world wide web is a way of accessing information over the internet. The world wide web is built on top of the internet. The internet is a massive network of networks and the web is one of those networks. The use the world wide web you usually have an application which is a web browser. A web browser enables your computer to understand the web pages you have searched for. The most popular web browsers are Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, and Opera.

Image source: wikipedia.
 The most common web coding language used is HTML & CSS. HTML stands for hyper text markup language. HTML is a markup language which means it is a set of markup tags. Markup tags describe webpages. The HTML elements are the building blocks of a webpage, it's the coding behind what you see. HTML is very easy to transport to other platforms. CSS is the opposite to HTML. CSS is the loo and style of your webpage, when using CSS to create your website what you see is what you get, you drag and drop what you went, then it shows you the HTML coding. CSS stands for cascading style sheets.

Web coding protocols allow the designer to do different things and edit their websites. Such as meta date, mata data is data which contains meta tags which allow search engines to find your website as they search those key words. When doing adding meta tags you add them in the <head> section of your HTML and you add <meta name="Website" content="Website"/><meta name="keywords". Another few examples of web coding are adding images or hyperlinks. If you want to add a hyperlink, you put
<a href="url">link to website you want to go to</a> in the body section of the HTML so that it is seen. When adding an image you also add this in the body <img src="url of the image">.
The structure of a website is simple. You have the <head> and the <body>. The head part of the website is the part you don't see, it's all the coding and nesting tags, where as anything in the body part you will see. I already explained CSS and the 'what you see is what you get' concept, the best websites to use this format are dreamweaver, FrontPage or expression web. The advantage of using these websites are that they are disk base and they are checked before goes out to the real world, so you don't have to worry about you website being published and then something going wrong.
To publish a website you first need to find a server such as Go Daddy which allows you to save all of your HTML on there server. These websites usually cost money though. You can promote your website using S.E.O (Search Engine Optimization) or S.M.O (Social Media Optimization). Using these makes your website easier to find on a search engine. It the HTML coding you add key words which the search engines will search for, many websites using mis-spelt words or 4 related words or the title page name as the key words.

Overall i wasn't happy with my website, i feel it was plain and boring and i definatley should have had more colour and images. I found it hard using the HTML coding and much prefered when we used FrontPage. Overall i enjoyed web design and learning how to use HTML.

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